Friday, August 23, 2019

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Day on the beach.

A naked walk along the beach , with some exercise and work out

Cartoon images

I came across this Kami Tora image awhile back. I love the dynamic.  It certainly makes a great party game !! And hens want to give it a go? ;)

Cfnm fun in a bar

I was sent this video link this morning. It is from a UK Cfnm site. I have to say I love it.

CFNM video. Three girls - bar

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hi Everyone.  Hope you are loving my new blog. Share more please :) lots more content coming.  A fan asked me to make a naked outdoor work out video. Sadly at this time it is dark outside so I found a small lane ... it is a public space near a wall light and got naked.  Hope you enjoy

Friday, August 16, 2019

masturbate instructional

I loved watching this instructional video of a mature woman instucting how to jerk off a cock.. nice CFNM moment. Anyone want to volunteer to make our own version :)
More to come !

click on the link :)

Other. Blogs

Thanks to Thomas at

For a great blog with lots of super cfnm photos

I will have to figure out how the segment to promote others works later

Using men for advertising

I stayed at this apartment recently and was thinking why not go into promotions.  Is there anyone out there who wants to use my naked body to promote their products and services.  I am sure some tasteful nudity would be great to promote. Agencies have been using women for years.  I think it is time for us naked men to be sprawled across a car or a sofa :) what do you think 

message me if you want to use me to promote anything


It has really become more mainstream. We are seeing naked guys all over the place in fashion and regular advertising now.  As below.  So what are you waiting for :)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

pet dog?

Have you ever Wondered what it would be like to be a bit wild ? Submit totally to a fetish and see where it goes.  I think that is the natural progression. It is natural for a guy to want to please the woman he submits to. To become her pet.
Once you give up the control it can be so liberating, knowing you are entirely in someone else’s control. I love being in this state.  Having a Mistress who I trust to serve unconditionally as her pet. Willing to do anything anywhere she asks. That even includes public places nude on a leash.
All the next images are a girl with her pet .

Working on the idea of instructional videos so looking to recruit some girls to get involved.  In the meantime here are some art model photos for you to enjoy.

Peg for love

 I love being pegged.  Such a great feeling … daily pegging is important for any relationship